American Legion offers thanks

To the editor,
The Aberdeen American Legion would like to
take the time to thank all
the wonderful people who
came out to our Veterans
breakfast and donated to
our Veterans in the Veterans Home.
We thank Con-Agra
for their donation of the
hash browns, Stokes for
helping get all our stuff to
feed the hungry that came
We also mention
Modern Woodsmen and
their representative Bobby
Scovil – who always
comes to help and this year
he couldn’t, but they are
always so great at matching an amount to donate to
the Veterans Home.
Thanks to Doug
Shipley, our vice-commander for the great job of
organizing and getting all
the Legion members to
come do a great job.
Thanks to all the
Legion members for doing
such a great job – cooking
and getting the food out to
the people who came.
Thank you Shannon
Cornforth and her little
Busy Bee class for making
cards and Poppies for our
veterans and showing their
appreciation and honoring
the veterans. They were
adorable and thank you
Shannon for starting to
teach about our soldiers at
an early age.
We really enjoy our
Veterans breakfasts to get
to see our friends and talk
about old memories.
Thank you again to all
who attended and to all
who helped out.
See you all next year!
American Legion

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