Aberdeen Community Calendar

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Following is a list of upcoming events in the Aberdeen area. Contact The Aberdeen Times at 208-397-4440 or email at times1@press-times.com if you know of any events that are coming up so they may be included in the calendar.

Wednesday, May 15
Storytime at Aberdeen District Library 10:30 a.m.
Aberdeen School District Board of Trustees 6 p.m.
Republican Candidate Forum-Aberdeen High Gym 7 p.m.
Thursday, May 16
ESL classes at Aberdeen District Library 6 p.m.
Friday, May 17
State Track at Middleton, Idaho
Lunch at Senior Citizen Center 12 p.m.
Family Fun Friday at Aberdeen District Library 2 p.m.
Saturday, May 18
State Track at Middleton, Idaho
Monday, May 20
State Golf Day 1 at Worley, Idaho
Tuesday, May 21
State Golf Day 2 at Worley, Idaho
Lunch at Senior Citizen Center 12 p.m.
ESL classes at Aberdeen District Library 6 p.m.

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