Category: xClassifieds

Classifieds 9-13-23

#8 Help Wanted NAPA IS LOOKING FOR 2 full-time counterman positions. One in our AF store & one in our Aberdeen store. Health insurance & pto are provided. Call Felipe @ 208-226-2740 for AF or Jayden @208-397-3630 for the AB…

Classified 9-6-23

#8 Help Wanted WANTED STORE CLERKS FOR KEN’S MARKET. Part time and full time. Apply in person at Ken’s Food Market or onb line @

Classifieds 8-23-23

#16 Business Property Rentals OFFICE/LIVING SPACE FOR RENT 202 Idaho Street, AF. Roomy, new furnace & a/c, kitchen, nice bathroom with walk-in shower, full size water heater. Must have a business in the front but could live in the back.…

Power in Recovery

PowerHouse Christian Fellowship “Power in Recovery,” community support group for those struggling with addictions, 2905 W. Sunbeam Rd, American Falls, Sundays 5 p.m., contact the church at 208-226-5998. .  

Publisher’s Notice

PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or…

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous Recovery- Wednesday and Saturday at 6 p.m. Location American Legion-235 Idaho St., American Falls. For more information call Steve at 208-220-6212.


GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS (GA) meets every Thursday night. 7 p.m. at Pocatello’s Friendship Club. 745 South 1st.