Kudos to all of the Greater American Falls Area Chamber of Commerce members and other volunteers and participants in this year’s American Falls Day activities Saturday, Aug. 3.
Despite obstacles of all shapes and sizes (and naysayers who suggested it might flop), this year’s event appeared to this bystander to be one of the best in years.
Ongoing construction in the American Falls Downtown Revitalization project, which has pretty much disrupted any semblance of regular traffic flow through the city’s center, meant relocating the parade route. No problem. The parade went off without a hitch (although a pooper scooper trailing the horses at the end might have been nice). Sure the route was a little tight and a bit short, but that just left more time to enjoy all the booths and other activities that followed.
Forced to move the above-mentioned booths and games to Lee Street Park, concerns were expressed that nobody would show at the new location away from the downtown city park. Once again those concerns proved to be unfounded. Although lacking the big shade trees of the downtown location, Lee Street Park offered plenty of room, packed it seemed with more booths and more people than any celebration in the recent past. Booths and activities were set up in a very smooth and orderly fashion, facilitating a great opportunity for everyone in attendance to enjoy while still visiting with friends and family. A large number of tents (and beautiful weather) helped alleviate any concerns about lack of shade.
Other activities at different venues around town apparently also experienced very good participation.
And we would be remiss in not acknowledging American Falls city employees and the construction companies involved in the downtown revitalization work, who went out of their way to make sure their efforts to beautify the downtown would not detract from the annual celebration.
As Power County continues its yearlong celebration of “100 Years of Dam Fun”, we offer our thanks to all of those people who spent countless hours of advance preparation and who worked during the day to insure the experience would be enjoyable for others.

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