Candidate endorsements must be paid
The Power County Press and The Aberdeen Times welcome original letters and guest opinions with ideas, viewpoints, criticism and news analysis that encourage discussion of issues with an impact on the community, according to Publisher Brett Crompton. Letters and guest opinions will be accepted by email at or They may also be hand delivered or mailed to the offices. Deadline for Wednesday publication is 12 noon on the Friday before that date.
Make sure to include the author’s full name, address, daytime phone, occupation and email address. Personal contact information is not for publication. Names may be withheld, but will be provided upon request.
If applicable, authors should fully disclose their relationship with any issues, political campaign or candidate. Political campaign candidate endorsement letters will be published, but must be paid in advance at a cost of $10 plus 10 cents per word over 20 words. Letters referencing upcoming issues on a ballot are welcome with no charge, but will not be allowed the last week before the election.
Submissions containing information that cannot be easily verified, libelous statements or name calling will be rejected. Letters should be on a single topic and no more than 300 words. Guest opinions can be up to 600 words and should include a description of the author and a head and shoulders photograph.
Submissions may be edited for clarity or length. All submissions become property of the newspaper.

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